Open Letter to Mr Sharad Pawar.....
A very concerned Indian
The Most tweeted about Indian on November the 24th 2011
Dated-Every Day of the Life that is Indian
Dear Mr Pawar
It is with mixed emotions that I read the news when it broke out on that someone had slapped you...I say mixed but this letter is not about my mixed emotions at that time, so I will not go into that...
This letter is about emotions that came later as I kept reading your great partymen stopping traffic, burning and stoning public property, shutting down places that people after a long working day frequent ie the places where people shop and several people numbering in thousands gain employment, namely shopping centers or as we commonly call them here-malls!!
My mind also was numb when I was reminded in yet another tweet that all this was happening as the country and not just Bombay prepared itself for the anniversary of the biggest attack on Indian democracy as someone called it, that is 26 November 2011
It is a sad shame (Yes sadder than mere shame-sad shame) that people refer to 26.11 as the biggest atatck on Indian Democracy. There are bigger attacks that happened, and continue to happen namely what happened today when the so called NCP workers created panic and terrorized the common man. After all, wasnt this what Kasab and company wanted?
So what is the difference Mr Pawar? Just that Kasab and co carried guns and grenades and your men carry sticks and stones? Kasab and co raped and plundered the iconic buildings of India and your men did the same to the Pune Expressway and other places of Bombay? The common man suffered in both the cases-so what did Kasab and co get? While Kasab awaits his hanging and his ilk are no more, your men will roam the streets and harrass and harangue the "aam janta" again and again and again? Just who are these people kind Sir? Some unemployed youth that are being taken advantage of?
Mr Pawar, to me, a terrorist is one who terrorises and I am terrorised by the goons of not just your party but every other party that resorts to such nonsensical stuff any and everytime. Like every other Indian I think I would have admired you and your party "karyakartas" had
a) You would have ensured something like this doesnt happen and
b) Your karya kartas would have behaved themselves
But alas it was not to be....
I remain as dis-illusioned as ever and more staunch in my belief that what happened today post your assault, was in my belief as horrific as what the dictionary meaning of the word "Terrorist" is. And then I wonder like many other Indians....Are We Really An Independent Nation? Is our mind really without fear?
Definitely not !!
And Oh.....Thank YOU for ensuring we are not
A disillusioned Indian :( This has come through FB from Ravindra Saluja.
This slap is going to reverberate throughout India and if you ask the general public, it was a most well deserved slap and the person should be rewarded.
What the Congress and Manmohan Singh could not do, this gentleman has done.
I am sure in their heart of hearts, they must all be rejoicing.
God Bless the person!!